About Espaço crystalina
Body preparation by Kinsei Therapist
Kinsei – means “balance” Japanese original body preparation based on 12 basic body torsion patterns that manifest as a result of imbalances in the body (kinsei technic).
Kinsei manual therapy is a system of Japanese physical medicine that combines analysis of biomechanical body torsion patterns, strength, balance, and movement with traditional meridian theory. Kinsei Therapy resets the nervous system, decreases pain, increases range of movement, and reduces tension. A well organized method to help you regain balance and body movement.
Over 80 minutes is recommended.
It has been used in Japan for many years as an effective therapy for:
Stiff neck, low back pain, joint pain, headaches, digestive disorders, pregnancy, fatigue after birth, postpartum pelvic adjustment, fibromyalgia, stress and more…
Please contact us for a consultation to discuss individual needs.
Espaço crystalina
Kinsei Therapist Yuta Arai
Yuta Arai has more than 15 years experience as a Kinsei Therapist. He has been working in many countries like Brazil, India, and Thailand. He can communicate in English and a Spanish or Portuguese interpetor is available.
He believes kinsei theraphy is a great form of gentle and effective body work that increases the body’s ability to detoxify, heal and prevent injury.
customer comment
Female , forties,Lives in Thailand
Yuta is a healer. He gives a very body personal treatment to fit your individual needs. I highly recommend treatment a few months after giving birth to realign the body and relieve muscle strain. He has in depth knowledge of the body systems and energy work.